Mythical Creatures Mysterious and Wondrous: Celestrial's Coloring Catalog


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This is a printable version of my Mythical Creatures Mysterious and Wondrous: Celestrial's Coloring Catalog

Myths, legends, and folklore reflect our various cultures' beliefs, fears, hopes, and dreams. They show you the heart of a civilization. Each culture is unique and has a rich history worth learning about. This coloring book follows an elf, Celestrial, and her tortie panther, Aiko, on a journey to explore mythologies from around the world. hardcopy version

Included inside: 48 Inked Pages & 10 Penciled Pages
• The inked pages have sketches from Celestrial’s coloring catalog of the creature or being she learned about. Complete with a brief description of her findings.
• Each penciled page features Celestrial & Aiko on their travels introducing the next part of their journey

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